12/21/20241 min read
Hangle pang paptite e Nuni, aboi sobsobguran appungtam lahanga?
(Oh Sister, can you find this riddle?)
Baran pang paptite e Nuni, abai katabaran appungtam labarna?
(Oh Sister, can you answer this idiom?)
Dia goi dia goi e Bai, sobsobgurnam lajir ladia ladia?
(Oh Brother, ask me quickly what your riddle is?
Barna goi barna goi e Bai, katabarnam lajir labarna labarna?
(Oh Brother, ask me quickly what your idiom is?)
Bamanra, yagi amo'odan benda aggije goi angija anati?
(One, who has three eyes but he never sees?)
Bamanra, yagi a to'odan benda abarne goi angija anati?
(One, who has three mouths but he never speaks?)
Nadia laban goi e Bai, yagi amo'odan daku benda aggijen.
(Coconut has three eyes but it never sees.)
Janin laban e goi a Bai, yagi ato'odan dakun do abarnen.
(Ridge Guard has three mouths but it never speaks.)
Bamanra, asanan jijiten sodalenden urdijlen sete inoti?
(One, who stays dressed in early days but stay naked after grown?)
Aneblungang ajan dakuten, ajalangang aneban daku inoti?
(Name the plant having fruit upon stem and stem upon fruit?)
Tabangan laban goi e Nuni, asannan jijilen dakuten asatan.
(Bamboo shoot stays covered in the early days.)
Sapurin laban goi e Nuni, ajalongan aniban daku asatan.
(Pineapple has stemmed from the fruit.)
Arelin gamdong goi e Nuni, amamma jitelam asatan e Nuni!
(Dear Sister, don't feel like you lost the game.)
Arelin gamdong goi e Bai, amamma jitelam ajardin e Bai!
(Dear Brother, don't feel like you lost the game.)